


Trade Conditions


Registration of ai-Domains

The ai-Domain is the domain of Anguilla.

The ai-Domains are at the GoLive period. We can register available ai-Domains immediately and reliably.

Similar to .tv for TV, the ai-Domain is now marketed as an acronym for Artificial Intelligence. More and more technology sites with .ai are emerging, such as More and more ompanies, dealing with "Artificial Intelligence", are so intelligent to discover the attractiveness of ai-Domains for their websites.

As of January 15, 2025, Identity Digital will take over the management of the coveted .ai domains.

This announcement has garnered significant attention, as it opens up new opportunities not only for individuals but also for the entire artificial intelligence (AI) industry.

Why are .ai domains so valuable?

Over the years, ai-Domains have become a focal point for tech companies, startups, and AI developers. Initially introduced as a country code for Anguilla, they have quickly established themselves as a global brand for innovation and artificial intelligence. A .ai domain represents progress, modernity, and technological expertise.

For businesses and developers, it provides a distinctive and meaningful online identity. The right .ai domain can:

  • Build trust and credibility with target audiences,
  • Enhance visibility in search engines,
  • Serve as a strong component of brand identity.
Opportunities with Identity Digital’s introduction of ai-Domains

Identity Digital has announced that none of the ai-Domains will be classified as premium domains during the transition. This means users currently have the chance to register high-quality ai-Domains at standard prices. This presents a unique opportunity, as domain names that may later be deemed particularly valuable are now still affordable and easily accessible.

An ai-Domain costs 129 EUR/year. The registration period is two years.

First Name

Last Name

Company Name





Zip Code




Register for me each domain at the price of 129 US-Dollars/year. The registration period is two years:


Register for me each domain at the price of 129 US-Dollars/year. The registration period is two years:

Space for additional orders

I pay by Paypal to

I pay by check

I transfer the money to the bank account of Secura GmbH:

Stadtsparkasse Koeln
Kontonr. 95802955 (BLZ 37050198)
S.W.I.F.T. COLS DE 33 BIC COLSDE33 IBAN: DE59 3705 0198 0095 8029 55

I permit the debit entry of the sum according to SEPA. Please send the contract to me, if we have not already one.

Name of the Bank:


Account Number:



You can charge my credit card

Credit Card Type:

Name at the Credit Card:

Credit Card Number

Expiration date:

Three digits at the backside of your Credit Card (CVC) :

By clicking at the button, you confirm a binding pre-registration of (a) New Top Level Domain (s), which will cost at succesful registration 129 US-Dollars/domain and year and that you have read and accepted Trade Conditions, Registrants Rights and Responsibilities, the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and the policies of the registry.

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List of IDN Top Level Domains

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