Order your .FM-Domain before
someone else does it!
The Top 5 .FM sites were visited over 1 billion times in 2015.
.FM is the global domain for anyone with a connection to the media world; be it a blogger, a
podcaster, a musician, a DJ, a streaming site or anything between.The FM-Domain is restriction-free, has many desirable names available
for registration, and is the perfect domain for your clients to show the world their talents.
The standard FM-Domain cost 125 US-dollars per year.
You can also register at radio.FM-Domain, which is cheaper and perhaps even mor attractive than .am.
If you want to register a FM-Domain with emoji, then please write an e-mail to secura@domainregistry.de.
We are not reseller of the FM-Domain, but official registrar. We can register your FM-Domain at once, if
it is available.