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The technical informations about
your provider or subdomain are not necessary, if you want just to
reserve a domain name. |
Please choose one of
these choices if you want to connect the domain name and a document
on the web. |
100 mb Web space with unlimited traffic and 20 e-mail accounts
at a server of Secura for 60 US-Dollars/year
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the domain with my domain/sub domain : | | |
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Register for me this domain at the price of
180 US-$ (1 year) : |
| .com.br |
| .net.br |
| .sv |
| .dm |
| .co.vi |
Register for me these domains at the price of
130 US-$ (1 year) per domain: |
| .com.sv |
| .org.sv |
| .com.jm |
| .net.jm |
| .org.jm |
| .hn |
| .com.hn |
| .net.hn |
| .org.hn |
| .edu.hn |
| .com.ni |
| .org.ni |
| .web.ni |
| .in.ni |
| .nom.ni |
| .co.ni |
| .info.ni |
| .net.ni |
| .biz.ni |
Register and connect for me at
the price of 100 US-Dollars (1 year) per domain:
.es |
| .com.es |
| .nom.es |
| .org.es |
Register for me these domains at the price of
600 US-$ (2 years) per domain: |
| .tt |
Register for me these domains at the price of
50 US-$ (1 year) per domain: |
| .com.mx |
| .mx |
| .net.mx |
| .org.mx |
| .edu.mx |
| .gob.mx |
Register for these domains at the price of
100 US-$ (1 year) per domain:
| .bz |
| .co.tt |
| .gd |
| .vc |
| .com.vc |
| .net.vc |
| .org.vc |
| .co |
| .com.co |
| .net.co |
| .org.co |
| .gov.co |
| .mil.co |
| .com.co |
| .web.co |
| .arts.co |
| .info.co |
| .int.co |
| .firm.co |
| .rec.co |
| .nom.co |
Register for me these domains at the price of
150 US-$ (1 year) per domain: |
| .sr |
| .com.ar |
| .do |
| .com.do |
| .org.do |
| .web.do |
| .art.do |
.ec |
.com.ec | | .com.gt |
| .com.pa |
Register for me these domains at the price of
300 US-$ (1 year) per domain: |
| .com.bo |
| .bo |
| .com.py |
| .bs |
Register for me these domains at the price of
120 US-$ (1 year) per domain: |
| .vg |
| .ms |
| .gs |
| .tc |
Register for me these domains at the price of
130 US-$ (1 year) per domain: |
| .uy |
| .com.uy |
| .ag |
| .cl |
| .co.cr |
| .cr |
| .pe |
| .com.pe |
.com.pr |
.com.ve |
| .gy |
| .ht |
| .gp |
| .com.gp |
| .lc |
| .com.lc |
| .net.lc |
| .org.lc |
| .co.lc |
| .l.lc |
| .p.lc |
Register for me this domain at the price of
1200 US-$ (1 year) : |
| .pr |
| Register for me this domain at the price of
400 US-$ (2 years) : |
| .ai |
| Register for me this domain at the price of
950 US-$ (1 year) per domain (this is the price for non-cuban applicants): |
| .cu |
Register for me these domains at the price of
450 US-$ (1 year) per domain (this is the price for non-cuban applicants): |
| .com.cu |
| .org.cu |
| .net.cu |
| .edu.cu |
| .inf.cu |
You can order also
these domains: |
Austria |
at-domains |
from Italy like e.g. get.it!
| it-domains |
country-domains | country-domains
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additional orders: |
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By clicking at the button you accept our
trade conditions, Registrants rights and responsibilites,the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy of
the Internet authority ICANN and the rules of the NIC of the country level domain
are the
base of the business relationship between you and Secura
GmbH concerning domain registration. By clicking you confirm the order of domains at the conditions above.
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