The registry of pr-domains has begun to offer second level domain name registrations. An individual or company holding a live or active trademark anywhere in the world can register a second level pr-domain.
Database where it can be verified, (i.e., WIPO, CTM, etc.)
Trademarks in languages other than English, Spanish, French or Italian will have to send a copy of the trademark accompanied of a notarized document in any of the languages mentioned above.
The trademark owner will be allocated the domain name. If the client wants the domain to be registered to the parent company, then proof of relationship between the parent company and its subsidiary must be provided e.g. proof of merger or acquisition by the parent company showing that the parent company owns the owner of the trademark.
The domain name applied for should be an exact match of the registered trademark.
However, variations of pr-domains in relation to the trademark may be considered by the registry and accepted on a case-by-case basis.
The price of a name at second level of .pr is 1400 US-Dollar/year.
The price of a name at is 250 US-Dollar/year.
The most latinamerican domains have in common, that you need a local contact. We provide the local contact,
who confirms in a letter to you, that all rights at the domain belong to you.
The provision of the local contacts makes the price of a domain more expensive.
The es-domains are the domains of Spain.
If you want to register a name at .es, you need to have a registered settlement in Spain or an international,
european or Spanish trade mark..
The name rules have been changed recently. New official subdomains have been introduced. The condition for foreigners
are more easy than before. You must only have a relationship to Spain in order to register names at, or
You can pre-register for free these official subdomains.
Every es-domains costs 250 US-Dollars per year.