We are an ICANN accredited registrar. We guarantee a fast and reliable registration
of domain names.
The vc-domain is the domain of St.Vincent and the Grenadines. You can register vc-domain, com.
vc-domain, net.vc-domain and org.vc-domain..
A vc-domain costs 100 US-Dollars per year.
We are an official registrar of vc-domain and can register available vc-domain at once.
The es-domain is the domain of Spain.
If you want to register a name at .es, you need not anymore a registered settlement in Spain or an international,
european or spanish trade mark. Anybody can now register es-domain.
The most latinamerican domain has in common, that you need a local contact. We provide the local contact,
who confirms in a letter to you, that all rights at the domain belong to you.
The provision of the local contacts makes the price of a domain more expensive.