



Trade Conditions


Registration of My-Domains

The My-Domains are the Domains of Malaysia.

They will become globally available on June 13, 2024. Starting from this date, anyone can register my-domains.

These domains are particularly interesting for companies exporting to Malaysia or those with a business presence there. Additionally, for phonetic reasons, they may be appealing in many languages for websites about individuals or companies with the name My, Mai, May or Mey.

Amidst the plethora of options, a My-Domain stands out as a compelling choice for individuals and businesses alike. But why opt for a My-Domain? The answer lies in its inherent qualities of personal connection, impersonation, and ownership. Let’s explore why a My-Domain is an excellent choice for anyone looking to carve out their own corner of the web.

  • Personal Connection
    A My-Domain inherently conveys a sense of personal touch and individualism. By incorporating "my" into the domain name, it immediately suggests a personalized space. For instance, consider the impact of versus just photos. The former implies a personal collection, offering a unique and intimate experience for visitors. This sense of personalization can foster stronger connections with your audience, making them feel like they are engaging with a space that is uniquely yours. Personalized domains are particularly effective for blogs, portfolios, and personal branding websites. They allow you to showcase your personality, creativity, and style. When visitors see a My-Domain, they anticipate a more personal interaction, which can be a significant advantage in building trust and engagement.

  • Impersonation
    In the context of domains, impersonation doesn’t refer to deceit, but rather the idea of embodying a persona or brand. A My-Domain can effectively represent the individual behind the site. For example, doesn't just list recipes; it suggests that these are your tried-and-true favorites, adding credibility and a personal touch to your content. For influencers, freelancers, and personal brands, a My-Domain can be a powerful tool in creating a distinct identity online. It reinforces the idea that the content or service is directly coming from you, the individual or entity, making the domain feel more authentic and trustworthy.

  • Ownership
    A My-Domain signifies ownership and control. It tells your audience that the content they are viewing is your original work, your thoughts, or your products. This sense of ownership is crucial in establishing authority and credibility. When users see a domain like, they are more likely to perceive the content as proprietary, which can enhance your reputation as an expert in your field. Moreover, a My-Domain can help in creating a brand that people can relate to and remember easily. The inclusion of "my" makes the domain memorable and distinct. It’s a straightforward way to convey that the website is a personal space where you, the owner, share your expertise, creations, or services.

  • Why .my?
    In an era where personal branding and individuality are increasingly important, choosing a My-Domain offers numerous advantages. It helps create a personal connection with your audience, allows for effective impersonation by embodying your persona or brand, and signifies strong ownership of your content. By opting for a My-Domain, you can build a more personal, trustworthy, and memorable online presence. So, why .my? Because it’s all about you and your unique voice in the digital world. The standard my-domain costs 59 US-Dollar/year in every phase.

    A local admin contact (Admin-C) is required to register We automatically provide this local contact with each my-domain or registration. The cost for the local contact is included in the price.

    The costs 199 EUR/year for companies outside Malaysia, as a trustee is included.

    It is advisable to register company names, brands and product names at .my direct and This avoids having your name or trademarks diluted by third-party domain registration and having to deal with expensive lawsuits with cybersquatters.

    A local Admin-C is required to register We provide this local contact automatically with every registration of a The cost of the local contact is included in the price. The cost 199 US-Dollar per year.

  • First Name

    Last Name

    Company Name





    Zip Code




    Register for me each domain at the price of 59 US-Dollars/year:


    Register for me each domain at the price of 199 US-Dollars/year:


    Space for additional orders

    I pay by Paypal to

    I pay by check

    I transfer the money to the bank account of Secura GmbH:

    Stadtsparkasse Koeln
    Kontonr. 95802955 (BLZ 37050198)
    S.W.I.F.T. COLS DE 33 BIC COLSDE33 IBAN: DE59 3705 0198 0095 8029 55

    I permit the debit entry of the sum according to SEPA. Please send the contract to me, if we have not already one.

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    Account Number:



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    Credit Card Number

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    Three digits at the backside of your Credit Card (CVC) :

    By clicking at the button, you confirm a registration of (a) Domain (s), which will cost at succesful registration 59 or 199 US-Dollars/domain and year and that you have read and accepted Trade Conditions, Registrants Rights and Responsibilities, the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and the policies of the registry.

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